Friday, December 08, 2006
I guess this is goodbye...
I guess the last post didnt really turn out that well as a Goodbye entry at all. In truth, I was never really good at saying those words truthfully. Probably because I never really wanted to say them.
These two years of living in Australia, and four years in Monash, have been the BEST years of my life. I really mean that. I have learnt so much, gained so much, missed so much and above all Loved so much. And even though I have suffered trauma, sorrow, hate and politics; I never regretted being apart of them. I am proud to wear what I have experienced with great pride.
To me, Melbourne was a good 'home course' for me. With such crisped environments, it thought me the basics of living without the cloud of corruption. Here everything was clear, and effective, cause and effects were understandable even up to ant management.
But most importantly were the people that touched my life. Everyone, from people who uttered a light raise of the eyebrow, to great friends who I live with, to those who appreciate what I do, the lady that showed me that materialistic things were not everything, and to my darling (KL,Malaysia) who supported me through the years. Please know that even though I may seem cold-fished and speechless, it is because what you have done for me is beyond what I can say or describe.
And with relations to what you have done for me, I would like to apologise for being difficult to anyone for any reason that you were not happy about me. It maybe for my strange taste of music, malleable brain for movies, or my obsession with 86s or wooden sticks. If any of these were a nuisance to you, I ask for you to forgive me. I pray that I am able to better myself, no matter how slow but do tell.
Last but not least, to the tenants of Tenten Bayview Avenue 2006, Dinner group of Bayview Avenue, Party members, Chefs, drinks providers, doritos bringers, and even sleeping members; and The Tenten Bayview Monument itself...Thank you so much for having me as part of your life. The things Ive learnt, the people Ive met, The reason of me being a better person is because of you! I Love you all (no matter how politically incorrect for half of you), Thanking for Making The Difference in me.
As this entry comes to a close, so shall this blog become an archive for all the "master piece" of my rants in the last year come to a close. I wish this to be a memory that I can come back and laugh at "Hey can you believe how Fing stressed up I was about the nut and bolt not fitting, if I only knew then that I'd have to screw thousands of them every day for the rest of my life hah ah aha". Thank you blogreaders (no matter how many you are) for staying in touch. Thnx for being my friend... to meet you in the future....
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Thus ends the epic Chapter of the Trials of Trius

Thursday, November 30, 2006
Trius heads to the Light...and See's JigSaw - Part 2
"Hello Just,
If you are hearing this, then I must be dead. And you have just doomed yourself into another test. If you could have just forgiven me. Now you must face a new test that will test your wits.
Justin, there is just one more game I would like to play. Monday there will be a final paper, a supplimentary paper that you must take. Take this and pass, and you will be able to graduate in time for Christmas.
However, fail and you will have to retake the entirely new modification of exams that will last till the end of next year. You will lose your already withered wings to fly, and the Will of your parents to keep you afloat.
The Choice is in your hands Justin, in your hands!"
ARGH!! I slammed my hands on his already immovable abdomen.
"SCREW THIS!! Even if I become an undergraduate for the rest of my life! I'll definately break free and be a Leader!! I am not afraid !!! BRING IT ON!!!"
"Assuming that you accept this challenge, you will go to Room G15/31 and do the test that will commence at 9.15 am on the 4th of December. Study well..."
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Trius Trembles

Saturday, November 11, 2006
Trius heads towards the Light...and See's JigSaw!
I want to play a game. The rules are simple, Get through the four mazes alive and you will be free to go. Each maze is unique. You have four years to complete them. Once the time is up, you will cease to exist. Imagine, everyone you know, everyone you love no longer acknowledging your existence. Can you live with that? Let the Game begin.
Oh did I mention, your lecturer will be Dr. Abdul Mazid."
Four years later. I stand before a medical bed. My torturer for four years lying on it. I have waited forever for this moment. Every single day I have thought of killing him. And now I had the chance.
"Hello Just," He whispered as his turned to me, so fragile and helpless. "I want to play a game. One final test, I am sorry for what i have done to you. On the counter is an assortment of vicarious tools of which you can use to kill me. Or if you can truly forgive the man who has caused you all this pain and suffering. You can leave and take your chances in the outside world as a new man,"
I browsed at the assortment of power tools on the counter. Powerdrills, deburrers, sharp pointy things. I came to realise that he was totally under my mercy. I had nothing to lose except my chance to kill the man I hate. Or could there?
"This is your last chance. Just, walk away, our fates are linked. Forgive and let live," What the hell was he to threaten me with such a statement. If he died, Nothing else would matter. Or would it? Did he know something that I did not? "Please Just do this for yourself," He pleaded.
"I forgive you," I heard my rageful mouth utter. I grabbed a large power saw and started it up. He starred at me offering his fragile neck. Was I to give in to my hate and strike down this unarmed man. Completing my fate and journey to the Dark side? The Answer....November 30th...
Monday, November 06, 2006
Trius finds the darkness of light....
Broken Pride on the Wheel,
Placed in freezing water to calm the Envy,
Dismember Anger Alive,
Thrown into Snake Pits to cure Sloth,
Put in pots of boiling oil to flush Greed,
eat rats, toads and snakes to Stop Gluttony with food poisoning,
and Smothered in Fire and Brimstone to burnout Lust.
Now check it out, they all make sense unless you head to Asia.
In Asia, these would be considered Heaven.
Broken on the Wheel, sounds like Dominatrix shit to me. Placed in freezing water? If David Blaine could do that, Id be pretty impressed with him too. Dismembered alive, well no fight there. Snake pits well u'd be shot into fame too if u had a life of a Zoo keeper. Boiling Pots of oil, if u can parade your Kungfu skills in the street with that, you'd get some money too.
Now these two, Gluttony and Lust. If you mix them together you'd get a pretty Good Feast in Asia. Ppl pay Big Bucks for delicacies like these. Beggar's Rat, Toad and Snake...mmmm YUM!!
I'll continue serving as the Blackhole, but I'll start working on my lust to get a time of my
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Trius' outlook for Malaysia Rant
Yea u guessed it right,
Its ranting time.
Come to think of it, i never really needed to rant. But I guess ppl change, and I changed from a blue book diary to a black-page blog.
"Captain's Blog Stardate 1234567.20 with 2 signficant figures. went to this morning in hopes of cute deers, skunks and rabbits but was greeted by cats and beavers instead."
tats jus a lil joke, i tell it everytime.
Now, every once in a while (usually exam periods during the process of studying) a totally unrelated thought starts in my head. It grows out of proportion and i end up losing my concentration. Usually I dismiss the thoughts, but it keeps coming back. Thus why i started blogging.
This time its about the future. Our future. Many nations have projected a mission statement, Malaysia's Vision 2020, AUstralia's 2026, God's Apocalypse. All giving hope and fear to the world. Developed countries such as Australia with an organised system will have no real problem working towards their goal.
But what of Malaysia? What is the future of Malaysia? Yes we have a mission statement. But with our current attitude, will our leaders be able lead Malaysia to the right direction. In my life time I have seen many growing leaders, all who are 100% capable of turning Malaysia's fate for the better. Martin Ooi, Rowan Soh, Chew Eu Jin, and many more who are ready to be there for our country. But is Malaysia ready for them?
'A good Leader is one who has good followers'. Some wise guy(man) said that. And from what I have seen in my time in Monash, it reigns true. A leader can only do so much, one requires arms and feet to make thoughts actions. And that is what Malaysia lacks. Consistent followers.
Now Malaysia is caught between three generations, The headstrong Merdeka men, the slacking sons of heros, and the upcoming leaders of men. The ones who hold dear to the strong values are dying out. Soon Malaysia will be filled with Good leaders with slacking followers.
There will be enough leaders, but no one who would care enough to follow. What would Malaysia be? I feel sad tat many of us who are highly educated will be shifting out from Malaysia to find a better life outside. SOme for better family environment, some for the benefits and strength in money seeing no real hope for Malaysia.
But Let us stop and think. Are we going to abandon our mother who has escaped from many tragedies, suffered from raped, torture and disgrace, went through all of this to raise us to who we are today? Are we going turn our backs on our mother tainted with corruption and politics? Or are we going to return and help our mother rise back on to her two feet?
My friends, I stand before you today, not as a leader, but as a voice of hope. I have faith in you, I have faith in Malaysia, I have faith that one day, we will not be known as the 'Tidak apa' community, but as those who raised and nursed our mother to health. 'The son becomes the father, and the father the son'.
I know that with the political mayhem and dangers that lurk in the streets. it may not be condusive for our wifes and daugthers. Yes I fear for their safety too. But that means that alot of work has to be done. From now on, all our work, all our hopes and dreams, we must channel our professions towards the betterment of our motherland. Everyone has a role, everyone is a soldier, Everyone, is a leader!
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Trius' confession
"Suck at Math" (Sung to Live to Win)
am frustrated, degraded,
seriously suck at math.
divisions, transfurmations,
all i want is death...
U ask me how i did today..
Dun wanna lie or f the day,
The stats just kinda gave away...
tat Im gone, i'll be dead ...anyway...
Suck at math!
Cauchy shit, aint just laplace anymore,
Suck at math!
Took a stand, but I fell like leaves at Fall..
Day by day, drifting all a way, math just aint my ball..
But theres another 4 to brawl...
Suck at math.....(Guitar solo)
Suck!!YEa! MATH!!
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Trius' path to self-centredness...My fortune-telling
Being proportionate to the physical status...and inversely proportionate to the status of the mind, the prediction of my fate shall be told. This is my hypothesis.
I will die in hospital of a broken back or some auto-immune system failure like lupus or some spinal disfunction. Paralysis from the neck down...
Judging from my weakness in math, I may as well be one of the most well known mathematicians or say the least one that will work closely with math no matter how ironic it may sound.
And finally my last prediction, I will be a Mega-playboy once i enter the working world.
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Trius and the World of the Avatar

(from: accessed 21st October 2006)
This time its about this cartoon called Avatar: The Last Airbender. It speaks of a realm that consist of four factions, Water Tribes, Earth Kingdom, Fire Nation and the Air Nomads. For centuries, the factions lived in harmony by the Avatar who is master of all elements. But one day, the fire nation raged war on the other nations. And just when the Avatar was needed the most. He dissappeared.

100 years have past, and two Water tribe siblings stumbled accross a young boy the last of his kind an Airbender named 'Aang'. Could he be the Avatar that was last fortold to be reincarnated into the Airbenders faction? U'll have to see for urself wont u. heheThe Avatar has to learn first Water, the Earth, then Fire to master all elements.

This series is interesting as each faction has powers over the assigned elements which are also associated to a chinese martial art. Taichi with Water, Hung Gar with Earth, Northern Shaolin with Fire, and Ba Gua with Wind.

Its really interesting and I like the concept. The only one tat can reinstate harmony among the other factions. Has specialised powers. Alot like a simplified version of my Triblade story. !!!!! Ive been ripped off!! They even have a Great Divide with a hidden library and a settlement in the desert as well. Compared to my Desert Village Reiht and the monolith which withholds the history of the great battle.
Theirs are powered by elements, mine is by Sins and virtues. See the similarities...oh when can i write something that is original.....
Oh about this...
Art, Math, Science, and Words. Long ago there were four Nations of Knowledge, the Artist, Mathematicians, Scientist, and the Writers. Each nation had men and women who were able to control their knowledge. They were called Knowledge benders. And in each generation only one who becomes the master of all knowledge. The Avatar.
Science, used their knowledge to create diabolical weapons and waged a war on the other nations. And just when the Avatar was needed the most, he vanished. No one knew where he went. Some say that he was never reborn into the Wordbenders.
100 years have passed, and the line of avatars was said to have been broken. But hope was not all lost. Two Artist siblings stumbled across a young WordBender named "Ong". They believe that he is the Avatar that will restore harmony in the World.

Monday, September 25, 2006
Trying to do da math...
Monday was really a 48 hour day. Working on Thesis slides. Was really beat after that. ..
Tuesday was suppose to be a rest day before the thesis oral presentation on wednesday. Unfortunately i did a 'daniel' and dropped my laptop. It shortcircuited with my presentation still inside ('daniel' is a coined word for when something tat can go wrong goes wrong before an important event). So in order to get it out, I had to go to a place North of melbourne city called Ascot Vale to get my slides out and my computer fixed.
Wednesday, The day of the presentation. Just as everything was alright, a suprize industrial supervisor who was omitted from my project came into play. This gave more tension. But it had to be done. After the presentation, the lecturers seemed stoned as they did not ask any questions. Luckily Cucu threw in a question and thus started some questions rolling.
After such an ordeal, I bummed on Thursday but took a trip north to collect my computer in the afternoon.
Friday, was ball night, and i collected my afterparty ticket and then headed home to get ready.
Dinner Dance was awesome, the dances, the floorshows, and most of all the company. Had a real good time dancing and talking. Then came 12am. Had to reach Amber by 1am. luckily my partner for the night Cassandra was kind enough to send me in. Thank you Cass!

The after party at a club was an interesting experience. Lights, music and action all in a dark room. But shaking in a room was rather pointless felt more comfortable making ppl laugh with 60's dancing.
Ah well. and so was the week. Got home at 4am, talked till 6am and then KOed till the evening next day as we went to watch a movie...called....."someone must die" interesting indeed. Had some initial d fights..dem where did my trueno go?
Finally a night at Rong Yao's place. Playing Kessen 3 and DragonBall Budokai 3...really interesting but was too tried to play much......and so was ..... the end lol
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Trius' Troubled Thesis and Friends
My committments are piling up. Academic work, math, thesis, dance commitment, MECC commitment, and Kendo. There's so much work, I have no idea how couples manage to keep it going.
Tats something i will never be able to find out. Im so single, theres so many couples around me, its not funny anymore. Its like I could be stepping on someone's skirt if im not careful, and I'de be blacked'eye a couple of times.
But its alright, I dont mind being what i am, really trains one from thinking twice. As long as my friends are happy, I am happy. I admit, its hard living a life of Hang Tuah, but its also eye opening at the same time.
Ah well... tak boleh tahan anymore, cant stand it anymore.
I so wishh to just head back into the mountains and spend my time looking at the scenery, or spend a peaceful time at the memorial. Would be so peace ful....aaaaa.....

Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Trius and the Omen of the Broken Specs
What I see and write about the world through my eyes and experience is also entirely up to me. But it is events such as this; significant symbols and turning points in life that shapes the course of history, no matter how insignificant it looked to be.
Thomas Edison, Adolf Hitler, Emperor Shih Huang Ti perhaps, prominent figures in history who caused a great impact in the history of man regardless of how ruthless or unethical they were had at least one turning point in life.
Nonetheless, I am not saying that what has happened may seem significant enought to start something, but I am saying that there is hope. Do not shrug events, as they are powerful in their own way.
So let me take you back approximately 10 years back to the year 1998. It was several months after I was put under probation for reticing an innuendic poem infront of the school assembly. Since then, I was broken. And for some reason, my sight began to fail me too. This was the year when I first got my prescribed lenses.
I would not wear a pair of glasses until form 5,(11th grade if you must). It was easier to travel with, and easier to mantain. It also served as a mask for me. A physical and psychological barrier that kept me in a comfort zone, safe from the world around me.
Years passed, and the mask that I resided in took me in I hid beneath it like Frodo and the Ring of Power. I was powerless to it even though I knew it was wrong to do so. No matter how hard I tried to escape from it, I kept coming back to square 1.
So was there hope? Could I be half the boy I used to be? Let me take you back to the present.
The morning 30 August 2006. I woke up feeling fresher than well almost awhile. Could have been the early night before. 8.15 I got out of bed and went into my bathroom. And there they lay. A tray of items that used to hang on the wall were on the floor, scattered. And with it, my glasses.

What was the meaning of this? what have I achieved from knowing this? Forgive my unorthodox way of thinking.

Now, a broken pair of spectacles to you may seem nothing more than just more money to repair or replace. But I choose to see it with a deeper perspective. And even though, it may seem nothing more than say for example a broken vase. If you can take an event such as this and turn it into something you can learn. Then you would have the sight of life.
Many may have a different insight to life. Some with a vice faith to God may say that the meaning of life is to get past this life to be with god again. Others may say that life is just a waste of time. And another might still be searching of the answers to the meaning of Life.
Life to me, is a guide to be the best you can ever be. Life is the medium of which we as beings who control this mind and body learn to better ourselves in everyway possible.
Life is like a multileveled game. You start from learning to walk, talk, feed and feel. Then we move on to interaction, learning self-values, and knowledge. Then we learn to widened our views and networks. And then react to situations so that when we are finally dying in our beds. We have experienced all there is to experience all there is to learn and all there is to be a character that everyone loves and looks up to.
So what DID this mean to me? I would like to think of it as a broken mask. A mask that I have recided for almost a decade now(has it been that long), and now shattered. With this turning point will I be able to turn my life around? Would I be able to find myself prominent to the world let alone my own?

Like a bird with a healed wing learning to fly again, the blind must learn to see again after an operation.
And so the saying goes by a French philospher,
"The eye sees only what the mind is prepared to comprehend"
- Henri Bergson (18th October 1865 - 1st April 1941)
One must learn to see the world with these new eyes too.
P.S Wow I could make this into a blog entry just with one event.
Thursday, August 24, 2006
The MECC Krispy Kreme Mayhem!!
Either way the highlight in the end wasn't really the talk but rather what came of it.

Thats right the Krispy Kreme, a doughnut company from the U.S, it sells like hot doughnuts in AUstralia. Imagine, vehicle waiting time of 2 hours and shop waiting time of 30mins. THere is only 3 outlets in Sdyney, and one in Melbourne, just before Monash Berwick Campus.
So there was the dilemma, out estimated amount of doughnut boxes was about 42 boxes. But with an estimated waiting time of 2 hours IV and 30mins IS, collecting it on the day was a no deal.
So we decided to go the day before! So off we went, Cucumber, Alex and I left at 10 in the morning hoping to catch KK of guard as we travelled Eastwards for half an hour to Narre Warren.
To our suprise, it was a desert. No vehicles in line, 3 customers max in line. Well the Krispy Kreme Kraze must haf died out. Well we took our fair load of 22 boxes, had lunch and headed home.
Having the extra time before class we decided to ...welll play....muahahaha We did




Oooo that was fun....Considering the ppl consuming this the very next day....hopefully not many will see this before the next MECC event with KK. We promise that we will treat the next batches with more respect....Scout's Honour!!
So yea, the very next day, the talk turned out alright,
The KRispy Kremes brought an interesting effect to the crowd and there fore the event was a success. However, it is still thanks to the committee and the president of the Club that made it all the next time you want a Krispy Kreme Event, ....who do you call??

P.S. I was never a Scout....:P
Yours in Krispy Kreme...
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Trius' TenTenBayview Strikes again:Juzzy Burger!
Yes! the title speaks for itself....well kinda. You see, TenTenBayview Academy has been an on going Extra Cocurricular Activity house, where we learn to throw parties, cook excellent if not prototype food, network... practically live in this house.
And this evening of 17th AUgust 2006, TenTenBayview became one of the first known Ramli Burger Shop to operate in Clayton. No where else in Clayton in my knowledge have tried making Ramli burger except in Marshall Avenue of which the burgers were done by me as well. THats Right.... IRON CHEF MAMAK - Trius! And even that was for two ppl.
Probably in the history of Clayton, Ramli burger was produced in a multicasting manner to 12 lucky customers. I shall call it JUZZY BURGER muahahaha
How much? Well....cost price. A burger say for example the Meat Special with Cheese costs 2.00 AUD. The Double Meat Special with Cheese? 80 cents more.
So THats 2.80 AUD for a huge burger larger than a Big Mac which would cost, maybe 4 dollars to say the least? And cheaper as well. And if u even bother comparing it to a Big Mac, it would be like comparing a fat guinea pig, to the Nutty Professor.
Well, I cant gurantee that i will be preparing more real soon, But, there would be a slight chance....that I'd be making, ROti Naan next.
The Roti Naan, is an indian bread that does not require much fermentation to make. No long hours of proofing and it take about 2 hours to make ready it's dough.
And All-dough it may seem to be an easy dish to prepare, it is one of the most tasty. It is usually served with Tandoori Chicken and goes very well with curry.
Back in Malaysia, there are several 'Mamak' caf'es that sell naans, but in a different way. "Garlic Naan With Cheese" for example is famous. Some cafes even serve with ham as well.
But no matter if you like it traditionally with tandoori or fusion mix, the Naan like the Ramli Burger, bring a nostalgic sensation to anyone homesick from Malaysia.
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Trius' Tribute to Momiji

"...Ashes to ashes, Dust to Dust Amen." As of today August the 15th 2006, We bid farewell to our beloved Chocolate-Chip Wabbit, Momiji of TenTen Bayview. He was one who was loved by everyone, Nature, The birds, the housemates of TenTen Bayview, and his partner in mischief Ecchi. This Blog Entry, will be a Tribute to his Life and an inspiration to all.
The origins of Momiji is really unknown, but sources say that before, he took up residence at TenTenBayview, he lived in an aviary. There, he spent his time, burrowing, feeding, grooming and played a game of Dodge the boom with his winged roommates that perched in the upper floors.
He might had been good at it, but considering splash damage and the fact that he coat had white, he was considered clean until the owner spotted the greens. Seeing the sadness in his eye, his handler decided to find him a new home. Advertising for a new home gave very good response, therefore the owner made up a questionaire to narrow down the candidates. She made sure that, "Boy Rabbit"(which was his original name) would be in the care of experienced handlers and that he would not be eaten by asians.
The candidates were narrowed down to two, and finally the bid was won by Eu Jin, a tenant of TenTen Bayview Avenue. "Boy Rabbit" now had a new home, 20 Bayview Avenue. He arrived in the last week of April and immediately snuggled into his new home.
He had a cage for the night and a garden to explore. And lived with dominance on his turf. He was the highlight of the house. Everybody loved him. And he had the attention of a life time. He was given the name Momiji, after a boy rabbit in the Anime series 'Fruit Basket'.
But he was still alone. He needed a companion to keep him company from when his human handlers were not around. And so, Ecchi came in. It was bond at first sight. They could not get enough of each other.
For the next few months, they chased each other, huddled together in cold conditions, bonded together when the going got tough, dug trenches to escape to the neighbour's yard. They did everything together. And even though they did mount each other, Ecchi was a male. And it was just wrong.
Nevertheless, time flew and soon they were practically living in the wilderness with the garage all to themselves. One Big happy toilet for the both of them. There was poo littered everywhere and no amount of cleaning would keep the floor empty the next day.
And then something happened. At the end of July, when the housemates stored them in the garage for three days. A big fight broke out. Details are unknown if there was an additional party involved (a rat or a possum) or just the two of them. But the damages sustained were concrete. Sometime in the struggle, Momiji received multiple bites or claw marks on his lower back and a severe cut on his right eye! Ecchi escaped the ordeal with a minor mark on his ear.
Momiji's back wounds dried up but was left open. His eye however was more severe. Pieces of his top eyelid was transposed to the bottom and vice versa. There was a cut mark indicating that it was either clawed or bitten. The inflamation swelled covering the eye with thick cancer looking eyelids and puss.
Initially, the housemates did not know the severity of the damage. But when there was no progress in healing. They knew, he needed a vet.
August 7th 2006, Justin and Weisern two co-tenants of the Bayview house brought Momiji to the Vet. They were tended by Dr.Zoey who immediately checked on his conditions. It was bad. He would require surgery time to fix up the eye, and clear the wounds. But they would have to do it the next day as the vet was closing.
The next day, the severity of Momiji was assesed and the Vet needed a go signal to operate. But Justin could not be contacted. Dr.Zoey went ahead with the surgery. They stitched up the wounds but could not save the eyelid. They cut the outer eyelid, pulled over the inner and sewed it with a button.
The operation cost a bomb, 500AUD. The housemates were shocked but it the operation was done. They had to pay it. Momiji got home with a collar and some medicine in the hopes of reducing the inflamation. He was due for a follow up check up the next week.
But the chance of saving the eye was slim, but his resting time was one week.

One week passed. Weisern returned to the Vet with Momiji in hand. After much check up he was left with three choices.
Momiji's inflamation did not go down at all. but they had a choice of continuing the medication, but was most probably prompt to have his eye removed. WHich would cost a bomb.
The second choice was to cut out the eye straight away, which still cost a bomb,
Or thirdly, put Momiji to sleep.
Faced with three choices, he sought the counsel of the other housemates.
After much counsel and consideration, the final decision was made.

August 15th 2006, Momiji was officially put to sleep. Shock came over the community that knew Momiji well within the matter of hours of his announced departure. Many kind words were given in concern and condolences to the soul of Momiji of TenTenBayview.
And so let us remember the life of this brave little rabbit that was a favorite to everyone who knew him.
Dear Momiji, You will be sorely missed, may you be reborn in a better place. You have taught me a great deal, you have made me a better person. I hope we meet again sometime in the future, my friend and teacher, Momiji.

Saturday, August 12, 2006
Trius and TenTen Bayview
I was never a good student. My grades were(are) average, I am helpless in math, and i've lived a life where I did not even know the right way of making rice. But that all changed when I finally got to go South!
Thats like the turning point when Clark Kent decided to go North to build his fortress of Solitude. So there I was, my first home, 21 Marshall Avenue. There, I made my first bowl of Rice, My first Fried Rice, My first Honey Chicken, My first experience with the washing machine, paying bills, So much learning, other than my engineering degree.
And then a year past and I returned home. Just for a while.
This year the year of 2006, I returned, not to Marshall but to 20 Bayview Avenue. My experiences so far have been deeper compared to basic necessities back in the Marshall Days. I learnt alot in this house. Both skill wise and internally.
I learnt to bake, make interesting dishes, weed the lawn, drying clothes without a dryer, learn to snowboard (not in the house), play DDR, and have rabbits.
These may look shallow, I know cause I wrote it in just a sentence. But In each point, there is a hidden meaning, lessons that come with experiencing each chore, such depth that could might as well spell the meaning of life itself. Well maybe not that complete, but would add to the chapters of it.
So if you care, to follow me on this....journey, you will see my life through your eyes, as your life will be seen through mine.
I have 20 Bayview, to become my test-bed so to speak. Things that our parents would normally tell you not to, you can do. But we are human, and we learn best through mistakes that we make ourselves. I dont mean lets jump into the fire and see what happens. Even our parents will think we are crazy to even attempt that. Things like how to manage cooking, unothrodox ways of doing things. It is fine that later on they correct you, but the first steps and hardships should be done first so that when they do tell us the right path, we can evaluate what is easier and more practical.
On that note, I was named the PCK or, Phat Condiment King as everything had to have something extra, may it be cheese, pork floss, sweet chilli or all depended on the dish. Which reflects on how I see my life. I may be basic on building my own path, but I am strong in applying what's best to an established life.
SNowboarding was a highlight in 2006 as well. 2005, i skiied for the first time. I loved it and was addicted to the slopes ever since. The board is a little bit tricky. Its because you are traveling side ways which we fine not in our comfort zone. The amount of times that I PK(thats Pok Kai or "fall") was much Greater than ever. But trying out new things, falling is just part of it. And I noticed something. When I trusted myself, the ride was smooth. It was when i started to doubt myself and try to stop the flow did I fall.
WIth That note, 'While trying new, things we must go with the flow, trust yourself, dont hold back and see the results for yourself'.
And lastly, Though we got a rabbit months before the skiing, it is what happened after that made a significant run.
See we got a free rabbit from Monash Marketplace. And it was going really well. The rabbit (momiji) was really starting to be a good household pet. But then another adversitement came in and we ended up with two free rabbits in our back yard. It went downhill from there.
A day after we returned from the ski trip, we noticed a swollen eye on momiji. At first we thought it was just an eye infection. Could it be that keeping them indoors causes something like this?
No. Vet's consultation, he has been in a fight, biting of some sort. And that cost him his eye, several open wounds on his leg. It cost us AUD500 bucks to fix him up. 500AUD!! thats outrageous!! My medical fee for getting my wounds stitched cost less than that!
So what did we learn from this? Family Planning. If we hadnt had the impulse to get Ecchi (the second rabbit), we wouldnt be in this situation. Sibling rivalry can be a horrid thing. Never have a baby too close to the other sibling, until he/she is old enough to understand that, it is you your partner and your first child's duty to protect the newcomer. Work with your first child. Let he/she be part of the project. That way, he/she wont get jealous, and still learn independance and character building.
Notice that it is not, Ecchi's or Momiji's fault, not the vets or nature, but we who control our decision and destiny that caused this. Not God, not the devil, but our 100% rational + X-factor decision that caused this. But it is nature for us to blame others. "Blame the devil" he seduced me to doing this. "Blame that witch!" She put a hex on me. THATS BULL! If you want to reword the devil, try curiosity, try uncalculated probabilty, try Your bright idea.
There is no devil, there is only you. Testimonies my foot, dont think that hell is down there, hell is inside our minds. But dont worry this goes both ways! Its a matter of thought. If you wake up knowing that something new and exciting is going to come, you're in heaven. If you wake dreading every moment of it, it is hell.
If you are angry, blame yourself, cause you are the one that chose to be angry. If you are envious, lustful wat ever sins u can think of, blame yourself. But now knowing the truth. SMile cause it works both ways. Smiling requires less muscles but yet it is addictive. ANd we can choose to smile.
So Cheers!! Cause my adventures at TenTen Bayview has yyet to end!
Till next time..... with even more politically incorrect Rants... see ya!
Trius Blades
Friday, August 11, 2006
Trius and Tribulations
Im proud to present my very first official blog entry in Blogspot!!! yay!! If you dont already know, I have been blogging on my other blog yea the msn one..well on So to tell you the truth, I was thinking of having one for quite awhile. But it was really a friend of mine who was the catalyst that got me to do it...unintentionally. See it all started yesterday, when a very good friend of mine started asking me about this thing called "google adsense". My initial reaction was that I didn't have the slighest idea what it was.
But then she told me, and said that it was to put adversitements on your blog. "Oh I see" I said. She had trouble putting i, so I started learning on what it was suppose to do. ANd before I knew it, I had signed up for it.
Then she said that the problem was not in the adsense but rather on how to put in on her blog. But I did not have a blog in Blogspot, so I know nuts about how it is run.... And so before I knew it, there I was looking at this setup page staring that the words 'Thank you for signing up!'.
So everything solved, not by me however, Im stuck with this blog. But I guess I better make use of it. No point putting it to waste.
So this is how its going to be. this blog will be with all my rants. The ugliest most politically incorrect crap ever told. Well not quite....never will be as good as Kenny Sia or that other one Xia Sue.... but oh well.
This will be a new Beginning, one that will start a new stage of evolution, this will be the Tribulations of Trius in The Lands of Blogspot!