(from: http://www.freewebs.com/gmasangel/ accessed 21st October 2006)
This time its about this cartoon called Avatar: The Last Airbender. It speaks of a realm that consist of four factions, Water Tribes, Earth Kingdom, Fire Nation and the Air Nomads. For centuries, the factions lived in harmony by the Avatar who is master of all elements. But one day, the fire nation raged war on the other nations. And just when the Avatar was needed the most. He dissappeared.

100 years have past, and two Water tribe siblings stumbled accross a young boy the last of his kind an Airbender named 'Aang'. Could he be the Avatar that was last fortold to be reincarnated into the Airbenders faction? U'll have to see for urself wont u. heheThe Avatar has to learn first Water, the Earth, then Fire to master all elements.

This series is interesting as each faction has powers over the assigned elements which are also associated to a chinese martial art. Taichi with Water, Hung Gar with Earth, Northern Shaolin with Fire, and Ba Gua with Wind.

Its really interesting and I like the concept. The only one tat can reinstate harmony among the other factions. Has specialised powers. Alot like a simplified version of my Triblade story. !!!!! Ive been ripped off!! They even have a Great Divide with a hidden library and a settlement in the desert as well. Compared to my Desert Village Reiht and the monolith which withholds the history of the great battle.
Theirs are powered by elements, mine is by Sins and virtues. See the similarities...oh when can i write something that is original.....
Oh well..how about this...
Art, Math, Science, and Words. Long ago there were four Nations of Knowledge, the Artist, Mathematicians, Scientist, and the Writers. Each nation had men and women who were able to control their knowledge. They were called Knowledge benders. And in each generation only one who becomes the master of all knowledge. The Avatar.
Science, used their knowledge to create diabolical weapons and waged a war on the other nations. And just when the Avatar was needed the most, he vanished. No one knew where he went. Some say that he was never reborn into the Wordbenders.
100 years have passed, and the line of avatars was said to have been broken. But hope was not all lost. Two Artist siblings stumbled across a young WordBender named "Ong". They believe that he is the Avatar that will restore harmony in the World.

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