28 Day anti-impulsive Wish List

  • Decadriver RM300
  • Samsung Wave budget:RM1699 DDate: November 15th

Saturday, April 07, 2007

A gentlemman...

"When a gentleman makes his way down a row in a crowded theater, he faces the people who are already in their seats. A gentleman never forces others to stare at his backside"

Ah ratz... thats another virtue down the drain. And i tot it was rude to let the audience stare at Mr.Happy. For nights I have been spending ten minutes at a time reading this collection of books on one of my most weaker subjects...besides math.

Manners, and fittingly the collection is called Gentle-manners. Its a guide book on how to act gentlemanly blah blah blah....stuff that we (im not saying everyone...just me at the moment) pay little attention to which affects relationships with others.

So from now on with the help of this book I hope to better myself for the benefit of everyone else. Rule number one of the book

"A Gentleman is someone who makes others feel comfortable. Good manners is simply a matter of common sense and courtesy".
Sigh im a long way from being one....but im willing to learn..

Monday, April 02, 2007

Management..underway Engineering Zero, Profiling Zero..

Sigh sigh Sigh... I have been feeling excessively moody these couple of weeks. Nonetheless I am Happy to be part of an organization. To belong to a clan, a family...is fantastic. Of course its nice to have an occasional wanderlust...but at least after so long I am learning to work together again.

I believe this will be the most overviewic post ever in these few months. Looking back three months, and see how much I have achieved, I am glad that I have gone this far. For three months I've been ...A warrior, a wanderer, a lover, a worker, an author, so much in such a short time... Im glad I am living up to my resolutions....

looking forward to the rest of the year... More to come more to see...hopefully....no/small sine waves...As long as I play the rhythm I can pace and help everyone else...