Monday was really a 48 hour day. Working on Thesis slides. Was really beat after that. ..
Tuesday was suppose to be a rest day before the thesis oral presentation on wednesday. Unfortunately i did a 'daniel' and dropped my laptop. It shortcircuited with my presentation still inside ('daniel' is a coined word for when something tat can go wrong goes wrong before an important event). So in order to get it out, I had to go to a place North of melbourne city called Ascot Vale to get my slides out and my computer fixed.
Wednesday, The day of the presentation. Just as everything was alright, a suprize industrial supervisor who was omitted from my project came into play. This gave more tension. But it had to be done. After the presentation, the lecturers seemed stoned as they did not ask any questions. Luckily Cucu threw in a question and thus started some questions rolling.
After such an ordeal, I bummed on Thursday but took a trip north to collect my computer in the afternoon.
Friday, was ball night, and i collected my afterparty ticket and then headed home to get ready.
Dinner Dance was awesome, the dances, the floorshows, and most of all the company. Had a real good time dancing and talking. Then came 12am. Had to reach Amber by 1am. luckily my partner for the night Cassandra was kind enough to send me in. Thank you Cass!

The after party at a club was an interesting experience. Lights, music and action all in a dark room. But shaking in a room was rather pointless felt more comfortable making ppl laugh with 60's dancing.
Ah well. and so was the week. Got home at 4am, talked till 6am and then KOed till the evening next day as we went to watch a movie...called....."someone must die" interesting indeed. Had some initial d fights..dem where did my trueno go?
Finally a night at Rong Yao's place. Playing Kessen 3 and DragonBall Budokai 3...really interesting but was too tried to play much......and so was ..... the end lol