1) Everytime Trius sets himself to work hard, half way through, an easier option appears and the steam is let off in relief with the new and better option.
2) Everytime Trius meets an untouchable chick, he is bound to get in trouble with a test the next semester, usually something related to math.
3) Trius is a total whimp...
4) Trius grows in strength in the south but lose independence and determination when he returns to his homeland.
5) Trius never completed his training, but instead merged wat he learnt together.
These are the five main characteristics that has haunted Trius for half a decade, must have been the Brahman in Nepal that gave me the red dot on my forehead and I refused to pay cause i had no change.
THe question now is, will I graduate and continue my journey to the far lands?

Or will fate hold me back forcing me to turn to the dark side of attachment?

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