28 Day anti-impulsive Wish List

  • Decadriver RM300
  • Samsung Wave budget:RM1699 DDate: November 15th

Monday, June 11, 2007

6th month of the year shall be called Salsa

As most of u realised by checking out the papers...Malaysia is filled with dance programs in the month of June. You have the Dance Space's 1st KL International Dance Festival from the 4-9th

U got the UVNation crazy party where everyone is ecstasy-filled-shuffling and wearing nipple-hiding-wears that glow in the dark...(why did i miss such an opportunity to go for a Gala Dinner instead).

But apart from these one off events ...(including the Jazz fest in Genting). .This month is filled with SALSA!!! FIrst week salsa second week salsa...third week salsa...fourth week also Salsa...

First week salsa was in TimesSquare...Second week...salsa will be in Bossa Nova..Salsa Social ON2..Third week is SALSA 101 in Hilton KL Sentral! And sometime after that...SALSA Congress in PORT DICKson!!!

Everyday is Salsa!! so have fun ppl...