And Woo! She's hot! Shadow hot! She so fine..I check her out every minute I can. She's maybe a lil bad with directions, but thats okay...arent they all XD. She does finances, handles my phone...and messages though she dug up some private messages i didnt delete XP. But thats okay, she understands.
Only thing is...I haven't figured her out completely yet. I guess I'll have to go through some documents with her first.
Today I took her out for the first time to Menara Perkeso. She was a lil unsteady but got us there eventually. But coming back she almost made me do a U turn for no reason.
I'm glad I got her. She maybe a bit blur at times. But once I get used to her I know she'll help me in so many ways. I think I'll bring her out for salsa this Friday too!
Oh this is a picture of me holding her hot bod hehehe woohhoo!! she's battery HOT!!
3.5G, GPS enabled, wifi, bluetooth...all the toys Ive been missing out for so many years. Oh trinity! The way you say "Turn right at the next intersection in 300 meters" is so..cute ^^.
hahah Spoken like a true geek ...woohOo! Geekylove!