Throw his briefs, everywhere!
So obscene, Hard to stare!
Lookout! here comes the Spenderman!!
W00t!! One thing I like about marvel comics especially Spiderman...u learn morality and how one with so much potential living on a shoestring solves life problems just like everyone else.
"Ben Parker: You've been given a gift Peter, with great power, comes great responsibility. " From the first.
"May Parker: We need a hero, couragous sacrificing people, setting examples for all of us. Everybody loves a hero, people line up for 'em, cheer for them, scream their names, and years later tell how they stood in the rain for hours just to get a glimpse of the one who told them to HOLD ON a second longer. I believe theres a hero in all of us, that keeps us honest, gives us strength, makes us noble. And finally gets us to die with pride. Even though sometimes we have to be steady and give up the thing we want most, even our dreams. " Lesson of the Second.
"Whatever comes our way, whatever battle we have raging inside us, we always have a choice, my friend harry taught me that. He chose to be the best of himself. It's the choices that make us who we are, and we can always choose to do what's right. " The moral lesson of the Third!
I tot the fight scene was great...any longer and it would be draggy,...who said it was too short? I tot it was a good ending. U die with live with forgiveness, and immortalized with sacrifice.
The storyline between PP and MJ seems a lil too familiar though...T.T well i'm glad they'll finish great in the end...
Saturday, May 19, 2007
The diabolical Snake.....
Foo! Again he tries to run from responsibility. Mr. N comes to the scene of investigation. Riveter machine has a problem. The riveter machine is connected to two riveter guns. But when button is pressed, both guns move. First check says that its a fault of the solenoid, hence electrical.
Initially my Senior manager was told of the problem. then my manager had to tell my supervisor that a breakdown occurred. Which is wrong. It should be the other way around. Either way I got to know last. So I brought with me a charge man to the scene to see the issue.
The electrical supervisors and execs were attending to another breakdown in the Electric deposition area. So I stood in for the electricals.
Being there, they tested out the operation and so displayed the problem. Soon after the Electrical Exec. Mr.N arrives and sees the issue. After just 2 minutes of looking around, he turns to me and says "Boss! This is not electrical's issue!"
"Show me!" I demanded. He asked Hanif his electrical fitter to show me. After another round. I noticed a dissimilarity. It was one of the coils that was different. I discussed with my mechanical fitter and decided that it could be that. (Coil is electrical btw).
Not being able to stand it anymore, "CHange the coil!" I ordered. It had to be judging by the sound of the coil, it had to be. THey changed it and rewired it. They wired it opposite at first but fix the issue the second time.
Only problem left is when the first gun finishes its operation, the other gun gets abit of the back wash.
Enough of technical terms, the main lesson is, I can no longer depend on giving this guy kindness anymore else he will climb over my subordinates head. If he ever says anything about delegating work to any of my execs, and says its actually mechanical's job I'll say..."As far as Im concerned, there is no longer a line between mechanical and electrical there is only maintenance!
Look at saying this like its a matter of life and death. The ranting stops here.... lol
Initially my Senior manager was told of the problem. then my manager had to tell my supervisor that a breakdown occurred. Which is wrong. It should be the other way around. Either way I got to know last. So I brought with me a charge man to the scene to see the issue.
The electrical supervisors and execs were attending to another breakdown in the Electric deposition area. So I stood in for the electricals.
Being there, they tested out the operation and so displayed the problem. Soon after the Electrical Exec. Mr.N arrives and sees the issue. After just 2 minutes of looking around, he turns to me and says "Boss! This is not electrical's issue!"
"Show me!" I demanded. He asked Hanif his electrical fitter to show me. After another round. I noticed a dissimilarity. It was one of the coils that was different. I discussed with my mechanical fitter and decided that it could be that. (Coil is electrical btw).
Not being able to stand it anymore, "CHange the coil!" I ordered. It had to be judging by the sound of the coil, it had to be. THey changed it and rewired it. They wired it opposite at first but fix the issue the second time.
Only problem left is when the first gun finishes its operation, the other gun gets abit of the back wash.
Enough of technical terms, the main lesson is, I can no longer depend on giving this guy kindness anymore else he will climb over my subordinates head. If he ever says anything about delegating work to any of my execs, and says its actually mechanical's job I'll say..."As far as Im concerned, there is no longer a line between mechanical and electrical there is only maintenance!
Look at saying this like its a matter of life and death. The ranting stops here.... lol
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Ever wondered why...
1) Rich ugly guys get the best luck(all kinds of luck)?
2) theres always a better guy in the crowd...?
3) Your goal is always the hardest to achieve?
4) your position is chess always looks more vulnerable than your opponents?
5) your million dollar idea has already been done and exploited before you even moved a muscle?
6) The ones you want are always not local or heading overseas, or taken, or different religious believes, or think you're not man enough to be with or all of the above ?
7) Overseas has got better weathers than your own homeland?
8) The company you work in has the most screwed up management systems compared to everywhere else?
9) Everyone else has a better view in life than you do?
10) Your neighbor's garden is greener than your own?
Haha maybe im just being self conscious...
2) theres always a better guy in the crowd...?
3) Your goal is always the hardest to achieve?
4) your position is chess always looks more vulnerable than your opponents?
5) your million dollar idea has already been done and exploited before you even moved a muscle?
6) The ones you want are always not local or heading overseas, or taken, or different religious believes, or think you're not man enough to be with or all of the above ?
7) Overseas has got better weathers than your own homeland?
8) The company you work in has the most screwed up management systems compared to everywhere else?
9) Everyone else has a better view in life than you do?
10) Your neighbor's garden is greener than your own?
Haha maybe im just being self conscious...
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Happy CHINESE B-day to me! im 24 years old..
TODAY IS 30th of the Third month which is my chinese Birthday!! Its as rare as February the 29th. 3333333333333333333 is my number..Yay!!
Let see how many threes in my life..
1 three in my birthdate
2 threes in my chinese birthdate
3 threes in my IC. no.
3rd best score is the most i got in primary school.
3 blog domains
3 blind mice..ahaha just random
Rule of Three
My Gen 2 is the third car bought after the Wira and the Accord..using the same money.
thats all i can think off right now... oh 2003 is the year that turned my seriously
Time to sleep...good night....good night.....good.....night...
Let see how many threes in my life..
1 three in my birthdate
2 threes in my chinese birthdate
3 threes in my IC. no.
3rd best score is the most i got in primary school.
3 blog domains
3 blind mice..ahaha just random
Rule of Three
My Gen 2 is the third car bought after the Wira and the Accord..using the same money.
thats all i can think off right now... oh 2003 is the year that turned my seriously
Time to sleep...good night....good night.....good.....night...
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Temple of Wisdom and Clarity...
Went to LDC yesterday, to do some good...eversince the incident the the realization of how close I was to death, I decided to pay my uncle's temple hangout a visit....and also to check out some chicks....hahaha ok not a good joke...
nehway...being there opened my eyes to what I have been so tied up with these few months. The centre has this Buddhist teachings for kids where a Geshe (scholar/equivalent to a masters in academic terms) teaches about the elements of buddhism at a very basic and easy to understand level.
Yesterday they were talking about the second of the Seven limbs of Buddhism. Which I believe each limb are like essential exercises to being a more open buddhist.
The first limb is about Prostration. Not sure if I spell it right. But It was a really thorough explanation about it. But in a nut shell, the act of putting your palms together to pray is not exactly practiced in Tibetan Buddhism. Why?
For this reason we go back to why we put our palms together. It is a sign of respect and offering of respect from our hearts. Unfortunately if we put our palms together, there is nothing in between the palms. And it is considered not good to offer well..nothing. WIth this by sticking our thumbs in between which makes it look like a cup with something in it is a symbol of which you are offering a vessel with something in it. It also becomes a shape of a jewel in which symbolizes the 3 jewels that Buddhist seek refuge in....which is the Buddha, The Dharma and the Sangha.
THe prostration begins by placing your newly formed jewel palms ontop of your head, symbolizing the crown of buddha which is our ultimate goal..which is to attain full enlightenment. Next is putting your hands to your forehead symbolizing clarity of mind and the refuge to the dharma or universal knowledge. Then bring your hands to your throat ...of which symbolizes the Sangha who are the teachers who speak out and tells the world of the dharma to follow....and finally end it at your chest level.
The long have to lie on the floor face down.. then back up and start all over again 3 times.
Thats for prostration.
Yesterday was on offerings....Offerings no matter how big or small will only work when it is given with a sincere heart. AS long as you have a sincere heart of offering it to the Lords or anyone for that matter does it make it even more meaningful. So why are offerings made as beautiful as possible especially to the Buddhas? Because when we make offerings it is as if we are treating them as offerings to the kings all though the Buddhas are of higher ranks than kings themselves.
So how did this Seven Offerings come about? In Buddha Shakyamuni's time, it was how The Kings were received. First with a welcome drink, then basin of water to purify the feet, then incense of sandalwood to purify the halls, then flower offerings, then perfume offerings, food and finally music and entertainment. SO similarily we offer a bowl of water, then another bowl of water, a flower, offerings of incense, a bowl of perfume, food and then a seashell perhaps to symbolize music. It can actually be anything as long as it can symbolize it.
So wats the difference between the offerings to kings and to the Buddhas? Blessings...and with that when we make offerings we say out the syllables "Om Ah Hum". Very powerful syllables that are programmed into us even from birth. Om blesses and purifies the offering, Ah turns them into sweet nectar that increases its value, and Hum amplifies it many folds.
I can keep going but u'd not read it in the end so ..i'll stop here....till next lesson....see yas..
nehway...being there opened my eyes to what I have been so tied up with these few months. The centre has this Buddhist teachings for kids where a Geshe (scholar/equivalent to a masters in academic terms) teaches about the elements of buddhism at a very basic and easy to understand level.
Yesterday they were talking about the second of the Seven limbs of Buddhism. Which I believe each limb are like essential exercises to being a more open buddhist.
The first limb is about Prostration. Not sure if I spell it right. But It was a really thorough explanation about it. But in a nut shell, the act of putting your palms together to pray is not exactly practiced in Tibetan Buddhism. Why?
For this reason we go back to why we put our palms together. It is a sign of respect and offering of respect from our hearts. Unfortunately if we put our palms together, there is nothing in between the palms. And it is considered not good to offer well..nothing. WIth this by sticking our thumbs in between which makes it look like a cup with something in it is a symbol of which you are offering a vessel with something in it. It also becomes a shape of a jewel in which symbolizes the 3 jewels that Buddhist seek refuge in....which is the Buddha, The Dharma and the Sangha.
THe prostration begins by placing your newly formed jewel palms ontop of your head, symbolizing the crown of buddha which is our ultimate goal..which is to attain full enlightenment. Next is putting your hands to your forehead symbolizing clarity of mind and the refuge to the dharma or universal knowledge. Then bring your hands to your throat ...of which symbolizes the Sangha who are the teachers who speak out and tells the world of the dharma to follow....and finally end it at your chest level.
The long have to lie on the floor face down.. then back up and start all over again 3 times.
Thats for prostration.
Yesterday was on offerings....Offerings no matter how big or small will only work when it is given with a sincere heart. AS long as you have a sincere heart of offering it to the Lords or anyone for that matter does it make it even more meaningful. So why are offerings made as beautiful as possible especially to the Buddhas? Because when we make offerings it is as if we are treating them as offerings to the kings all though the Buddhas are of higher ranks than kings themselves.
So how did this Seven Offerings come about? In Buddha Shakyamuni's time, it was how The Kings were received. First with a welcome drink, then basin of water to purify the feet, then incense of sandalwood to purify the halls, then flower offerings, then perfume offerings, food and finally music and entertainment. SO similarily we offer a bowl of water, then another bowl of water, a flower, offerings of incense, a bowl of perfume, food and then a seashell perhaps to symbolize music. It can actually be anything as long as it can symbolize it.
So wats the difference between the offerings to kings and to the Buddhas? Blessings...and with that when we make offerings we say out the syllables "Om Ah Hum". Very powerful syllables that are programmed into us even from birth. Om blesses and purifies the offering, Ah turns them into sweet nectar that increases its value, and Hum amplifies it many folds.
I can keep going but u'd not read it in the end so ..i'll stop here....till next lesson....see yas..
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Pada Saat Saat Genting...(At critical moments)
I don't have much time left do I?

Its good to be alive today! I thank all my merits I'm not a Charred person today blogging. Let me rewind to May 11 2007 9.50 am.
Walking into my Gen2. Just called Cucumber to meet me beside the road. Directly outside the DATARAN Carpark, 1U. I start my car and drive off to the exit. Its difficult to navigate in the car park with so many confusing arrows to the 'Keluar'. Pass the slot roads to the exit, I suddenly hear loud sounds from my undercarriage, plus some 'motion master' effects.
(Pylon was not there)
several feet away I stop my car and realized I drove over something. I stepped out of the car to inspect the damage. Petrol drained like a hose!. "Tutup engine!" (close engine would be the direct translation) said a guard. I quickly did.

My dad and his friends came to collect the car later that afternoon. My uncle saw the protruding bolts that ripped the petrol tank from under the car and said that I was lucky there was no spark. Else I would have been fried from the inside.

For the entire day I was totally blur. What a day to almost get killed. In fact, I have no idea why I did not ignite. It was a hot day, and Im sure some of the wires there would have sparked something. Maybe I had a protection from someone.
(All I want for XMas is my Bumper Front grill...)
On a lighter note, Genting was good, Had a good 9 course meal at the Ming Ren Restaurant in Hotel Genting. Good food, good afternoon company, Next was good, not so straight evening company. Won 10 bucks from roulette and a late night.

The organizer Ms. Elaine help set up the stuff. Really good of her. THanks Elaine!
Its good to be alive today! I thank all my merits I'm not a Charred person today blogging. Let me rewind to May 11 2007 9.50 am.
Walking into my Gen2. Just called Cucumber to meet me beside the road. Directly outside the DATARAN Carpark, 1U. I start my car and drive off to the exit. Its difficult to navigate in the car park with so many confusing arrows to the 'Keluar'. Pass the slot roads to the exit, I suddenly hear loud sounds from my undercarriage, plus some 'motion master' effects.

several feet away I stop my car and realized I drove over something. I stepped out of the car to inspect the damage. Petrol drained like a hose!. "Tutup engine!" (close engine would be the direct translation) said a guard. I quickly did.

My dad and his friends came to collect the car later that afternoon. My uncle saw the protruding bolts that ripped the petrol tank from under the car and said that I was lucky there was no spark. Else I would have been fried from the inside.

For the entire day I was totally blur. What a day to almost get killed. In fact, I have no idea why I did not ignite. It was a hot day, and Im sure some of the wires there would have sparked something. Maybe I had a protection from someone.

On a lighter note, Genting was good, Had a good 9 course meal at the Ming Ren Restaurant in Hotel Genting. Good food, good afternoon company, Next was good, not so straight evening company. Won 10 bucks from roulette and a late night.
The organizer Ms. Elaine help set up the stuff. Really good of her. THanks Elaine!
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