28 Day anti-impulsive Wish List

  • Decadriver RM300
  • Samsung Wave budget:RM1699 DDate: November 15th

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Trius' outlook for Malaysia Rant

Hey guys,

Yea u guessed it right,

Its ranting time.

Come to think of it, i never really needed to rant. But I guess ppl change, and I changed from a blue book diary to a black-page blog.

"Captain's Blog Stardate 1234567.20 with 2 signficant figures. went to bambi.com this morning in hopes of cute deers, skunks and rabbits but was greeted by cats and beavers instead."
tats jus a lil joke, i tell it everytime.

Now, every once in a while (usually exam periods during the process of studying) a totally unrelated thought starts in my head. It grows out of proportion and i end up losing my concentration. Usually I dismiss the thoughts, but it keeps coming back. Thus why i started blogging.

This time its about the future. Our future. Many nations have projected a mission statement, Malaysia's Vision 2020, AUstralia's 2026, God's Apocalypse. All giving hope and fear to the world. Developed countries such as Australia with an organised system will have no real problem working towards their goal.

But what of Malaysia? What is the future of Malaysia? Yes we have a mission statement. But with our current attitude, will our leaders be able lead Malaysia to the right direction. In my life time I have seen many growing leaders, all who are 100% capable of turning Malaysia's fate for the better. Martin Ooi, Rowan Soh, Chew Eu Jin, and many more who are ready to be there for our country. But is Malaysia ready for them?

'A good Leader is one who has good followers'. Some wise guy(man) said that. And from what I have seen in my time in Monash, it reigns true. A leader can only do so much, one requires arms and feet to make thoughts actions. And that is what Malaysia lacks. Consistent followers.
Now Malaysia is caught between three generations, The headstrong Merdeka men, the slacking sons of heros, and the upcoming leaders of men. The ones who hold dear to the strong values are dying out. Soon Malaysia will be filled with Good leaders with slacking followers.

There will be enough leaders, but no one who would care enough to follow. What would Malaysia be? I feel sad tat many of us who are highly educated will be shifting out from Malaysia to find a better life outside. SOme for better family environment, some for the benefits and strength in money seeing no real hope for Malaysia.

But Let us stop and think. Are we going to abandon our mother who has escaped from many tragedies, suffered from raped, torture and disgrace, went through all of this to raise us to who we are today? Are we going turn our backs on our mother tainted with corruption and politics? Or are we going to return and help our mother rise back on to her two feet?
My friends, I stand before you today, not as a leader, but as a voice of hope. I have faith in you, I have faith in Malaysia, I have faith that one day, we will not be known as the 'Tidak apa' community, but as those who raised and nursed our mother to health. 'The son becomes the father, and the father the son'.

I know that with the political mayhem and dangers that lurk in the streets. it may not be condusive for our wifes and daugthers. Yes I fear for their safety too. But that means that alot of work has to be done. From now on, all our work, all our hopes and dreams, we must channel our professions towards the betterment of our motherland. Everyone has a role, everyone is a soldier, Everyone, is a leader!