What I see and write about the world through my eyes and experience is also entirely up to me. But it is events such as this; significant symbols and turning points in life that shapes the course of history, no matter how insignificant it looked to be.
Thomas Edison, Adolf Hitler, Emperor Shih Huang Ti perhaps, prominent figures in history who caused a great impact in the history of man regardless of how ruthless or unethical they were had at least one turning point in life.
Nonetheless, I am not saying that what has happened may seem significant enought to start something, but I am saying that there is hope. Do not shrug events, as they are powerful in their own way.
So let me take you back approximately 10 years back to the year 1998. It was several months after I was put under probation for reticing an innuendic poem infront of the school assembly. Since then, I was broken. And for some reason, my sight began to fail me too. This was the year when I first got my prescribed lenses.
I would not wear a pair of glasses until form 5,(11th grade if you must). It was easier to travel with, and easier to mantain. It also served as a mask for me. A physical and psychological barrier that kept me in a comfort zone, safe from the world around me.
Years passed, and the mask that I resided in took me in I hid beneath it like Frodo and the Ring of Power. I was powerless to it even though I knew it was wrong to do so. No matter how hard I tried to escape from it, I kept coming back to square 1.
So was there hope? Could I be half the boy I used to be? Let me take you back to the present.
The morning 30 August 2006. I woke up feeling fresher than well almost awhile. Could have been the early night before. 8.15 I got out of bed and went into my bathroom. And there they lay. A tray of items that used to hang on the wall were on the floor, scattered. And with it, my glasses.

What was the meaning of this? what have I achieved from knowing this? Forgive my unorthodox way of thinking.

Now, a broken pair of spectacles to you may seem nothing more than just more money to repair or replace. But I choose to see it with a deeper perspective. And even though, it may seem nothing more than say for example a broken vase. If you can take an event such as this and turn it into something you can learn. Then you would have the sight of life.
Many may have a different insight to life. Some with a vice faith to God may say that the meaning of life is to get past this life to be with god again. Others may say that life is just a waste of time. And another might still be searching of the answers to the meaning of Life.
Life to me, is a guide to be the best you can ever be. Life is the medium of which we as beings who control this mind and body learn to better ourselves in everyway possible.
Life is like a multileveled game. You start from learning to walk, talk, feed and feel. Then we move on to interaction, learning self-values, and knowledge. Then we learn to widened our views and networks. And then react to situations so that when we are finally dying in our beds. We have experienced all there is to experience all there is to learn and all there is to be a character that everyone loves and looks up to.
So what DID this mean to me? I would like to think of it as a broken mask. A mask that I have recided for almost a decade now(has it been that long), and now shattered. With this turning point will I be able to turn my life around? Would I be able to find myself prominent to the world let alone my own?

Like a bird with a healed wing learning to fly again, the blind must learn to see again after an operation.
And so the saying goes by a French philospher,
"The eye sees only what the mind is prepared to comprehend"
- Henri Bergson (18th October 1865 - 1st April 1941)
One must learn to see the world with these new eyes too.
P.S Wow I could make this into a blog entry just with one event.