28 Day anti-impulsive Wish List

  • Decadriver RM300
  • Samsung Wave budget:RM1699 DDate: November 15th

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Trius' Troubled Thesis and Friends

"redesign!" a word engineering thesis students dread. It would probably not mean the end of the degree, but honours perhaps.

My committments are piling up. Academic work, math, thesis, dance commitment, MECC commitment, and Kendo. There's so much work, I have no idea how couples manage to keep it going.

Tats something i will never be able to find out. Im so single, theres so many couples around me, its not funny anymore. Its like I could be stepping on someone's skirt if im not careful, and I'de be blacked'eye a couple of times.

But its alright, I dont mind being what i am, really trains one from thinking twice. As long as my friends are happy, I am happy. I admit, its hard living a life of Hang Tuah, but its also eye opening at the same time.

Ah well... tak boleh tahan anymore, cant stand it anymore.

I so wishh to just head back into the mountains and spend my time looking at the scenery, or spend a peaceful time at the memorial. Would be so peace ful....aaaaa.....