28 Day anti-impulsive Wish List

  • Decadriver RM300
  • Samsung Wave budget:RM1699 DDate: November 15th

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Juzzy Does MBA!

Happy New Year! Happy New Decade!

In a week's time, I will enroll as a student (once again) into the University of Nottingham in Malaysia to kick off my MBA course. Now I'm sure there are some who DO blog about their courses, so I too hope that this blog will keep me on track as I move along. Much like those video logs in Avatar. Which I think is an awesome movie :).

This is gonna be a 4 year course because I will be taking it part time. Hence i do hope there will be a difference when I graduate in the end.

On another note, I have also just joined the MII(Malaysian Insurance Institute) Toastmaster's Club. I figured if I had to go into the business/ management world, I should hone some public speaking skills too. Writing and speaking is two different things altogether. One cannot Backspace a sentence spoken. It'll probably also help with the communication for purpose of networking and future communications.

As for the Tricade? I'm in the midst of learning a piano piece called 'Way Back into love' from the movie "Music & Lyrics", Dad is taking me to the Driving range for Golf this Wednesday, and I'm locked in for a trip to Perth in April.

Tricade Challenge Kuuga? "Protecting everyone's Smile"? Well Ive been really good with One liners both on Sunday with the Outcast Group and yesterday with the Ex-Mumsu gang. And they seem to be ROLFing rather than just smiling,  so I must say I did a pretty good job. Still there's still the ultimate test of cheering up a down person. Its so difficult to not get sucked in too. But I suppose I'll have to workout the limits.

Well I guess that's progress for now. Hope to be updating more often on my MBA progress and hopefully getting feedback from more people. ^.^

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