Spoilers Alert! like it matters lol..
Known to Malaysians as one of the lowest rated comedies ever...(apparently the pontianak movies where the flying ghosts can be seen hanging on strings got higher ratings). These tiny balls of steel was what I thought was one of the funniest of its comedy-genre up there with 'Kung-Pow'. Lucky like FHM (who gave 3 out of 5), I beg to differ!
I think the two factors of which it got the lowest ratings was that
1) Malaysians are starting to become Singaporeans, dwelling only on Smart London-like sophisticated humor ie. Little Britain.
2) Censorship may have taken away some scenes of which maimed the show to a logic-less sea.
3) Maggie-Q giving her lips and leg-locks to a fat man Dan Fogler.... that lucky bugger! That makes me wanna gain weight, perm my hair and grow furry sideburns.
...ok then 3 factors.

But come on, the first time I saw the trailer, I laughed my arse off like literally. I knew at once, I had to see it. It was humor matched in Heaven.

Christopher Walken had his good shots...
but How could you do this to SHANG TSUNG!!! I mean from YOUR SOUL IS MINE to 'How do I get to the Freeway' was simply hilarious!

And Maggie Q...OMG thanks to her Im still loving Asians....after 2 weeks of Latino Exposure.

So anyway all you humor enthusiasts please Give Balls of Fury a Shot! I can guarantee you, your balls won't shrink 2 sizes after the movie....but maybe just a lil. Oh And Special guest from Heroes is there! SO TAKE THAT ZETA LU!!
P.S If you got time check out my other blog...thx ^.^
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