How about picturing a perfect Sunday....
You wake up to the morning breeze that moves your white curtains flapping in with the wind. In front of you is a set meal of a half-boiled egg, an omelette, strips of bacon, a glass of milk and an orange juice. Just the perfect breakfast in bed.
Finishing your breakfast, you head into your lavatory and wash up. Put on your jogging pants and top, a fresh pair of socks and your runners. After a couple of stretches, you walk out of your house and onto the path in front of you. Its 9 o'clock in the morning and the morning air is still fresh with the scent of morning dew.
You begin to head onto the jogging path and make your way around the first bend. Luscious trees that flank both sides of the path gives a nice sense of closeness to nature. In the far right corner you can just make out the golf course of which is about a kilometer or two away from your home.

Not long after you reach the club house. You head to the changing room and freshen up. Walking out of the room, some club dogs walk close to greet you. You crouch and give the dogs a good rub.
Its 10 O'clock. You head to the clubhouse to grab a cup of hot choco. Some frequent patrons greet you and make small talk while waiting for a friend to head into the green.

Your cup is empty. You begin to walk back to the path. You brandish your sunglasses considering the morning sun just set in. Your ipod on your arm plays your favorite tune. Jogging back mind rested, the empty blue sky greets you with a fantastic draft of fresh wind as you head back to your home after the perfect Sunday morning jog....
Pictures from
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