I just realized that after months of starting to get into this dance...I never really blogged about it. I first started 'On2' in March 2007 after coming back from my Penang/London/Michigan trip.
As a matter a fact, in January when I got back, I was cracking my brains on where I should start looking of a school. Then one fateful night, while hitching a ride to a mamak..I heard my friend's car radio playing some salsa music. I immediately recognized it and we started talking salsa ever since.
Sandesh, my acquaintance since high school said that he was learning salsa from this guy called Gavin in Dance Space. I immediately recalled the name as my ex-kungfu-mate! (Gavin, my bro and I go way back since I was like form 1).
Anywho, after some reunion sessions, I decided to join Gav after I got back from my trip every Monday night.
Just four lessons down the road, my life came to a messy corner, everything was turning bad, job, luck, love, computer...sigh...on the other hand my mom was so happy that she was going to retire soon. I didnt want to vent my frustrations.. So who do I turn to..?
Somehow, salsa kept me looking forward..new moves and all, Gavin invited me to the salsa clubs to practice my moves...introed me to the scene and Ive been dancing ever since...
And so must U! hehehe ...heres a lil tutorial...
1) Salsa music has eight uniform beats...1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8...but we use 1-3,5-7
So its 1,2,3 pause 5,6,7 pause and back to 1.
2) Basics...
For Girls and guys doing shines steps
forward with ur right on 1
forward left on2 and
replace your right foot back to the same spot on 3
Then back with ur Left on 5
Back right on 6 and
replace your left on 7
During partner work, Guys will mirror the girls.
3) New York style is danced in slots, or linearly so if u start vertically no matter wat you do..u should keep it vertically. And not end up ie. diagonally or crossed in the end.
4) Girls...U own the line.( hurray...=.=)....so if the guy wants you to move to the other side...he has to make way.
5) Handholds...guys will stick 2 fingers pointing down...like a torch handle...and girls, like the Statue of Liberty holding a torch...thats how u should hold.
1) For starters, Girls! (or Mu-heres) if u've never danced salsa before or any other dance...its easy..since you are not leading....theres only several things you need to know
a) Crossbody,
b) Right turn
c) Left turn
d) And Most importantly UR BASICS!
Everything else is just variation or additions to this items.
A) Crossbody

1 RIght forward
2 left forward
3 Instead of replacing ur right back...step another step forward and twist 180*
5 , 6 ,7 is a back basic.
B) Right turn
...starts on the 1st Count...so the signal will be given on the previous 3 counts with a tension on ur connected right arm.
1 pivot on ur right foot 360* or as much as u can on one count
2,3 is a step step on the spot..
567 back basic.
C) Left Turn..

2 Forward left ..but put ur weight on it cause u wanna push off that foot on the next count.
3 push off and spin anti-clockwise..with ur right foot on the ground.
567 on the spot.
And there you have it...Girls u know enuf..to survive on the floor..guys...if u wanna learn to lead..go learn from Gavin! hehe
Sweet! so See you on the dance floor! muahaha!

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