28 Day anti-impulsive Wish List

  • Decadriver RM300
  • Samsung Wave budget:RM1699 DDate: November 15th

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

June's Monologue: Reality Check!

Dear Trius,

Its been awhile since I addressed an entry to you. So What have I learnt so far?
Well many things Trius. I've learnt that the only difference between working and studying is the flow of cash. You get paid for learning and you pay to learn. Everything else is the same. You need qualification or an interview sometimes to get in. If you have a scholarship...well thats like a contract...of which you have to pay back in another means or so. Difference is to work, you pay back on the spot with your time.

What else? That the salsa scene seldom have people below the age of 23. The bars and clubs for example...no one is below 23. So if you're looking the younger crowd...sorry wrong place.

Rueda is kinda fun. Rueda means wheel in Spanish...at least thats what they said. And Casino is what they call salsa in Cuba, Hence Rueda de casino...which i think would be like Roulette. It comprises of 2 or more couples making it a group dance. And most of the time its ALL about changing partners. So if you wanna have an affair(or more) without sinning, this is the perfect way to do it.

Qigong is great if you know how to relax. un like some ppl who dont..we usually act as if we are moving with the chi....dancing, shaking, doing the golf swing.

Today my boss thought me..."Sharing is Immortality". The knowledge that we pass will live longer than we will ever live. THat is how ppl live forever, prophet or not.

One of the most important lesson of all....You have to fight to get what you want.
To insist is to fight for your right. For that is how things work in the world. Not everyone is a Samaritan.

good evening Trius...

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